A continuing professional development model for the arts therapies in oncology


  • Georgia Aroni




oncology, psycho-oncology, cancer, arts therapies, continuing professional development, Germany


This paper refers to the experience of the continuing education programme ‘The Arts Therapies in Oncology’ which took place at the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences in Bonn, Germany. It focuses on the exchange and correlation of the fields of Music Therapy, Art Therapy and Dance Therapy as these occur in the programme, with the aim to train arts therapists in the basic principles of oncology and psycho-oncology. In particular, it refers to the design, organisation and content of this programme.

Author Biography

Georgia Aroni

Georgia Aroni is a clinical dance movement psychotherapist BTD- GDTR Sr, with parallel studies in Education and in Hellenic Culture. She is a member of Berufsverband der TanztherapeutInnen Deutschlands (BTD) as well as of the Greek Association of Dance Therapists (GADT). In recent years she has been living in Germany and currently works in a rehabilitation clinic at the Psychosomatic and Psychotherapy department with patients who present a wide spectrum of disorders. She has worked in various clinical contexts with chronic mental health patients, with substance users and she has designed and organised innovative training programmes for adolescents and children. Focusing on the treatment of mental and emotional trauma, she investigates, practises and teaches the practice of Authentic Movement. In addition she runs seminars and workshops for mental health professionals and the general public.

Email: aronig@t-online.de

