Solo or tutti, together or alone – What form of professional/legal recognition is best for music therapy?


  • Melanie Voigt



music therapy, arts therapies, professional legal recognition, autonomous recognition


In this article, the status of professional/legal recognition in Germany is described briefly. Using examples from the United Kingdom and Austria, two forms of professional/legal recognition are explored and compared: recognition under an umbrella with other related therapy forms and recognition as an autonomous form of therapy. Pros and cons are defined and various possibilities and limitations are discussed briefly. This forms the basis for drawing conclusions in an attempt to answer the question regarding the best type of recognition at the national level as well as considering aspects of recognition at the European level.

Author Biography

Melanie Voigt

Melanie Voigt, PhD, University of Texas; Bachelor, Master and PhD in music education. Teaching experience in U.S. public schools. Training in music therapy with Gertrud Orff. Since 1984, Head of the Music Therapy Department at the Kinderzentrum München. Head of the private training course in Orff Music Therapy, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt. Lecturer for Orff Music Therapy: Bachelor Social Work with Emphasis in Music Therapy; Lecturer and co-coordinator of the master’s programme. Member of the Ständige Ausbildungsleiterkonferenz Musiktherapie (SAMT). Delegate for the Federal Association of Music Therapy in the European Music Therapy Confederation (EMTC). Publications: English and German, Speeches at various international congresses.



