The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music in Greece


  • Dag Körlin
  • Anna Böhmig



GIM, training, Greece, music and listening, European network of GIM


In this interview Dag Körlin talks about the Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) training programme in Greece and his contribution to its development. He explains some of the main aspects of GIM as a receptive music therapy method; he points out the role of music in the therapeutic process and he talks about the importance of listening. Finally, he refers to the European Network of GIM.

Author Biographies

  • Dag Körlin

    Dag Körlin is a Swedish psychiatrist, certified psychotherapist, primary trainer and supervisor of the Guided Imagery in Music (GIM) method and Director of the European Bonny Method GIM training programme. He practises GIM and its adaptations within general psychiatry. He has specialised in adapting GIM for complex trauma (PTSD) and other stress-related disorders, and has published many journal articles and book chapters in this field. He has also developed the Breath Grounding and Modulation (“Music Breathing”) method, used as an effective adaptation of GIM to patients with complex trauma, dissociation, and other stress disorders (Körlin 2002, 2007). Besides researching and writing on GIM, he lectures, teaches and is a consultant in outpatient psychiatry.


  • Anna Böhmig

    Anna Böhmig has been living in Greece since 1995, working as a music therapist and musician. Since 2005 she has been in charge of the department of music and music therapy in Cerebral Palsy Greece. She also works as a freelance music therapist. She graduated from the Department of Music Therapy of Fachhochschule Heidelberg, Germany in 1992 with the academic title of Diplom Musiktherapeutin (FH). She has also been trained in regulative and active group music therapy (Dr. Ch. Schwabe’s method). She is an advanced trainee in the GIM method in the European Bonny Method GIM training programme. Anna has studied French horn (receiving her degree in 2009 with honours), piano and percussion instruments.






