Welcome Letters


  • Merete Birbaek
  • Lori A. Custodero
  • Isabelle Frohne-Hagemann
  • Alison Levinge
  • Eleanor Richards
  • Kay Sobey




This section is a continuum of the welcome letters which were published in the first issue of Approaches (volume 1, issue 1), and in this way the personal greeting and celebration of the journal’s beginning is completed. We invited various colleagues from abroad to write a welcome letter where they could share their thoughts, wishes and dreams with regard to the development of Music Therapy and Special Music Education in Greece, as well as the potential role of Approaches in this development. Each of these colleagues has been, in various ways, in contact with the Greek Music Therapy and/or Special Music Education communities and has actively contributed to their development. In this issue we are delighted to include letters from the following colleagues: Merete Birkebaek (Germany), Lori Custodero (USA), Isabelle FrohneHagemann (Germany), Alison Levinge (UK), Eleanor Richards (UK) και Kay Sobey (UK). Concluding this section, I would like to thank once more all the colleagues who responded to our invitation, by willingly sending their own welcome letter to Approaches. I would also like to express our appreciation to all colleagues from abroad, whose names may not be included here, but who have contributed through their work, each of them in their unique way, to the development of Music Therapy and / or Special Music Education in Greece.  

Author Biographies

Merete Birbaek

Merete Birkebaek
Former Senior Music Therapist
Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus, Herdecke

Lori A. Custodero

Lori A. Custodero

Associate Professor and Program Coordinator of Music and Music Education Teachers College, Columbia University New York, USA


Isabelle Frohne-Hagemann

Prof. Dr. Isabelle Frohne-Hagemann
Professor for Receptive Music Therapy and GIM
Institute for Music Therapy, University of Music & Theatre
Director of the Institute for Music, Imagery and Therapy (IMIT)
Hamburg and Berlin, Germany


Alison Levinge

Dr. Alison Levinge

Music Therapist, Researcher and Supervisor Bristol and the Southwest, UK alisonlevinge@blueyonder.co.uk

Eleanor Richards

Eleanor Richards

Senior Lecturer Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge, UK


Kay Sobey

Kay Sobey

Former Tutor of Music Therapy Roehampton University London, UK







Welcome Letters