Vol. 3 (2011): Special Issue 2011 “Music Therapy: Theory and Practice” Proceedings of the 1st One-Day Conference of the Greek Association of Certified Professional Music Therapists (ESPEM)”

					View Vol. 3 (2011): Special Issue 2011 “Music Therapy: Theory and Practice” Proceedings of the 1st One-Day Conference of the Greek Association of Certified Professional Music Therapists (ESPEM)”
Special Issue 2011 “Music Therapy: Theory and Practice”
Proceedings of the 1st One-Day Conference of the Greek Association of Certified Professional Music Therapists (ESPEM)” Editor: Giorgos Tsiris in partnership with the Greek Association of Certified Professional Music Therapists (ESPEM)
Published: 2011-03-12

Σημείωμα της Προέδρου του ΕΣΠΕΜ (2004-2010)

Abstracts and biographies

  • Abstracts & Biographies

    Maria Apostoliadi-Le Bouder, Markus Dauber, Pelina Evangelou, Maria Froudaki, Elisavet Georgiadi, Lucia Kessler-Kakoulidi, Dimitris Koukourakis, Stela I. Lamprouli, Evangelia Papanikolaou