Music and medicine: Musicological and medical-historical approaches




Annual conference of the Association for the Social History of Medicine
‘Music and medicine: Musicological and medical-historical approaches’
4-6 November 2021, Online

Author Biography

  • John Habron, Royal Northern College of Music, UK

    John Habron PhD is Head of Music, Health, and Wellbeing at the Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester and Extraordinary Associate Professor in the MASARA (Musical Arts in South Africa: Resources and Applications) research entity at North-West University, South Africa. Having trained as a composer and music therapist, he now undertakes transdisciplinary research with particular interests in the practice-based, theoretical, and historical connections between music, movement, and wellbeing. His research has appeared in Psychology of Music, Journal of Research in Music Education, and Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices. In 2016, John guest-edited a special issue of Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy (Dalcroze Eurhythmics in Music Therapy and Special Music Education). He is currently on the editorial board of the International Journal of Music Education and has chaired the Scientific Committee of the International Conference of Dalcroze Studies (ICDS) since its founding in 2013. []






Conference Reports