Children’s Storybooks in the Elementary Music Classroom: A Description of their Use by Orff-Schulwerk Teachers


  • Cynthia Colwell



Orff, children’s storybooks


The purpose of this study was to examine the use of storybooks in the elementary music classroom by music teachers who are members of state chapters of the United States American Orff-Schulwerk Association. The researcher plans to use the information obtained from this survey to develop criteria for choosing children’s books for the elementary music classroom and for music therapy settings for children focused on music (educational) and non-music (therapeutic) objectives. These criteria can then be used to choose books for Orff-Schulwerk orchestrations that can be composed to address specific musical and non-musical objectives. The survey consisted of seven sections: an information statement, participant demographics, experience with Orff-Schulwerk, use of children’s storybooks, general criteria for choosing storybooks, personal criteria for choosing storybooks, and objectives addressed (musical and non-musical). The researcher descriptively analysed survey responses of 329 participants. Responses provided interesting information about how children’s storybooks are used in the elementary classrooms of Orff-Schulwerk approach music teachers and what criteria these teachers consider when choosing books for integration into the music setting.

Author Biography

Cynthia Colwell

Cynthia Colwell, PhD, Professor and Director of Music Therapy at the University of Kansas in the United States. She holds her three levels of Orff certification through the American Orff-Schulwerk Association and is a board certified music therapist. Her primary research interests are Orff music therapy, mainstreaming in music education, and attitudes of teachers and students towards children with disabilities. She currently serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Research in Music Education. Colwell has published research in the Journal of Music TherapyMusic Therapy PerspectivesJournal of Research in Music EducationOrff Echo, and International Journal of Music Education.






