Abstracts & Biographies


  • Maria Apostoliadi-Le Bouder
  • Markus Dauber
  • Pelina Evangelou
  • Maria Froudaki
  • Elisavet Georgiadi
  • Lucia Kessler-Kakoulidi
  • Dimitris Koukourakis
  • Stela I. Lamprouli
  • Evangelia Papanikolaou




Music Therapy in the Treatment of Drug Addiction: The Experience of the Detoxication Unit of the “18 Ano” Psychiatric Hospital of Athens
Maria Apostoliadi-Le Bouder

“What is Essential is Invisible to the Eye” – A Music Therapy Tale of a Young Woman with Visual Impairment
Markus Dauber

Song-Writing as a Therapeutic Intervention in Music Therapy with People with Disabilities
Pelina Evangelou

“Where Have All the Songs Gone. Mum?” The Contribution of Music Therapy in Psycho-oncology
Maria Froudaki

The Musical Stimulus as a Means of Cognitive and Emotional Development in Children with Autism
Elisavet Georgiadi

The Dalcroze Method: An Alternative Suggestion between Music Pedagogy and Music Therapy
Lucia Kessler-Kakoulidi

The Psychodynamic Approach to Music Therapy with Adults with Mental Health Problems
Dimitris Koukourakis

Creative Activities in Psychotherapy-Sociotherapy
Stela I. Lamprouli

Τhe Receptive Music Therapy Method Guided Imagery & Music (GIM) as a Clinical Approach
Evangelia Papanikolaou


